Editing Student Profiles

This article demonstrates how Site Owners, Administrators, and Instructors can edit some profile information for the students at their school site, including changing their passwords.

Please note: This option is only available to official school sites with curriculum assigned. Users who have created sites on their own may not have access to this feature to ensure user security. If you believe you should have access to this feature but you do not, please contact support.

Educators (Site Owners, Administrators, and Instructors) have the option to edit the profiles of any students that they oversee on their school site. Educators can edit the first name, last name, bio, profile picture, and password of these students. This can help correct misspelled names in your records or can help a student quickly log back in with a new password if they have forgotten theirs.

Accessing the student profile editor

Educators can access the student profile editor from two places: the Students tab in a classroom or the Site Members list in the site settings page. 

The Students tab in a classroom

To access the student profile editor from a classroom:

  • Click on Classrooms from the left-hand navigation, then click on the desired classroom.
  • On the classroom page, click on the Students tab.
  • In the rightmost column, labeled “Actions”, click on the pencil icon in the desired student’s row.

The Site Members list in the site settings page

Please note: Only users with the role of Site Owner or Administrator can access this page. Instructors can only edit the profiles of students in their classrooms. To access the student profile editor from site settings:

  • At the top of the left-hand navigation, select the site navigation dropdown menu. 
  • Select the settings cog to the right of your site name.
  • In the site settings page, scroll down to the Site Members section.
  • In the rightmost column, labeled “Actions”, click on the pencil icon in the desired student’s row.
    • You may need to click the Show Faculty button and change it to Show Students to see the list of students.

Using the student profile editor

After clicking the pencil icon, a new popup window will appear labeled “Editing student details for [student name]”. Your options include to:

  • Click the Profile Image tab to upload a new profile picture for the student (.png, .jpg, and .gif formats accepted).
  • Edit the text field under First Name to change the student’s first name.
  • Edit the text field under Last Name to change the student’s last name.
  • Edit the text field under Bio to change the student’s bio (bio can be up to 1000 characters).
  • Edit the text field under New Password to change the student’s password.
  • Save your changes by clicking on the green Save Changes button or exit the popup by clicking the Cancel button.