This article demonstrates how Site Owners, Administrators, and Instructors can set requirements on their classrooms that restrict Students from progressing until certain requirements are met. It also demonstrates these requirements from the Student perspective.
Educators (Site Owners, Administrators, and Instructors) have the option to prevent students from advancing to the next activities in a course, with restrictions based on their completed/graded work. Below is what a student would see when they have an upcoming activity to complete.
From the perspective of the Student
In the above example, the student is not able to advance to the next activity without having a certain grade in a previous activity. Once the student has met the advancement requirement(s), the next activity will appear.
From the perspective of Educators
Course advancement requirements are configured from a classroom’s settings and affect all course work assigned to Students in that classroom. To configure these settings:
- Click on Classrooms from the left-hand navigation, then on the desired classroom.
- From the classroom, click Settings on the top right corner.
- Course advancement requirements are found in the Schedule Settings section.
- To enable course advancement requirements, select the toggle to the right of “Enable course advancement requirements?” When toggled on, new settings will appear.
- Please note: only one selection can be made at once. Both sets of requirements cannot be activated at once.
Minimum lesson score percentage:
- Selecting this requirement will restrict Students from being able to start a new lesson until they have achieved a certain grade average in all activities in the previous lesson.
- You will be able to set the required grade average by typing in a number in the percentage text field.
- For example, if you type 75 into the percentage text field, Students will not be able to start a new lesson until they have achieved at least an average 75% of in the previous lesson’s activities.
- Please note: Some activities are graded automatically, like multiple choice activities, while some are graded manually by the instructor. It is possible that students will not be able to advance until you have graded their work manually.
Require full lesson completion regardless of score
- Selecting this requirement will restrict Students from being able to start a new lesson until they have completed every step in the previous lesson.