Multiple Submissions and Retakes

This article demonstrates how Site Owners, Administrators, and Instructors can request a student to resubmit (or “retake”) an activity, resulting in multiple submissions. It also demonstrates how a Student can request and complete a retake.

From the Educator perspective 

To view information about how to navigate retakes as a Student, see the “From the student perspective” section below.

Activity retakes can be initiated in two ways: the instructor can request that a student retake an activity, or the student can request that they retake an activity.

Requesting a student to retake an activity

Note: Retakes can only be requested once an activity has been graded. To request a retake:

  • Navigate to Grades from the left-hand navigation.
  • Open the grade panel for an activity.
    • To open the grade panel, hover your mouse over any cell in an activity column. Just to the right of the text field in that cell, you will see a small arrow symbol appear. Click that symbol to open the grade panel on the right side of your screen.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the grade panel, beneath the Submit Grade button. You will see an orange Request Retake button. 
  • Upon clicking Request Retake, the Student will receive a platform notification informing them of your request and the specific assignment title.

Receiving a retake request from a Student

Once an activity has been graded, a student can request to retake that activity. Once that request has been initiated:

  • You will receive a platform notification informing you of the request; including the Student’s name and the activity’s title. 

  • Click that platform notification to be taken to the relevant gradebook.
  • In your gradebook, a red exclamation mark icon next to the cell of a submission will indicate a pending retake request. Click on the cell to open the grade panel.
  • You will now see a section in the grade panel labeled “Retake Requested by Student”. Click the Allow button to approve the request or the Deny button to deny the request. 
  • Upon clicking either Allow or Deny, the Student will receive a platform notification informing them of the outcome of their retake request.

Grading a Retake and managing multiple submissions

Accessing a retaken activity

  • You will receive a platform notification when a Student completes a retake; including the Student’s name and the activity’s title. 
  • Click that platform notification to be taken to the relevant gradebook. 
  • Click on the appropriate cell to open the grade panel.

Managing Multiple Submissions

Now that a Student has retaken the activity, you have multiple submissions to consider. The only submission that will count towards the grade is the one that you mark as the Primary Submission. When an activity has multiple submissions, a grade can only be edited once a Primary Submission has been chosen. To choose and grade a Primary Submission, open the grade panel and then do the following:

  • You will see a new dropdown menu close to the top of the panel that says “Submission 1.”
  • Click on the dropdown menu and select the desired submission. You will see the submission time change upon selecting a new submission. 
    • The work itself will also change in Submission View if Submission View has also been opened.
  • Once the desired submission has been selected, click the checkbox next to “Mark as Primary Submission” to choose a new Primary Submission.

  • Once the box has been checked, you will be able to change the grade for this submission. Be sure to click the purple Submit Grade button close to the bottom of the grade panel to save your work. 
  • This new Primary Submission’s grade will be the one that will count towards the student’s grade. 

From the Student perspective

Requesting a retake from the gradebook

Note: Retakes can only be requested once an activity has been graded. To request a retake:

  • Navigate to the Grades tab in the left hand navigation bar.
  • Click the circle on the desired activity you are wanting to retake.

  • The teacher will then need to approve or deny the request.

Requesting a retake from the activity

Note: Retakes can only be requested once an activity has been graded. To request a retake:

  • Navigate to the lesson/activity.
  • Near the bottom of an activity that requires students to put in work, there will be a “Request Retake” button that would need to be pressed.

  • The teacher will then need to approve or deny the request.

Opening, completing, and submitting a retake

  • Navigate to the Grades tab in the left hand navigation bar.
  • Click into the activity that has been approved for a retake.
  • Complete and submit the activity.