Students and Site Owners, Site Admins, and Instructors (educators) have the ability to view every journal entry that a student has submitted in one place. This article covers how to access Journals, how to review journal entries and feedback, and how to export journals to a pdf for both Students and educators.
From the Educator Perspective
How to access Journals
Journals is a place where educators can view all the journal entries for a single student in one place, as well as export those journal entries to a PDF. It can be a way to track how a student’s thinking has changed over the course of a school year. Journals can be found from the Students tab within a classroom.
To access Journals for a single student:
- Click on Classrooms from the left-hand navigation, then on the desired classroom’s tile.
- Inside the classroom, click on the Students tab.
- In the rightmost column of a student’s row (the Actions column), click on the book icon (a “View Journals” tooltip should appear when hovering over this icon).
- You will now be viewing the Journals page for a single student, and the student’s name will appear just under the word “Journals”.
Viewing Journal Entries and Feedback
In the Journals page, journal entry titles are listed in order of most recent to oldest. To view the contents of a journal entry and its feedback, click on the eye symbol on the right side of a row, under the “Actions” column header.
An overlay will slide in from the right and take over the screen which contains the prompt from the lesson, the journal response to the prompt below it (along with the submission date), and a panel with more submission information on the right.
The functions of the panel on the right include:
- The journal’s title in purple
- The title of the lesson from which the journal came below the purple journal title
- Feedback from the instructor under the header “Instructor’s Comments”
- Click the right arrow to move to the next entry from the list. Click the left arrow to move to the previous entry from the list.
- Journal entries are listed in order of most recent to oldest.
- Pressing the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard will also perform these actions.
To exit the overlay and return to your list of journal entries, click the x button at the top right.
Sorting Features
- Type in the “Find Journals…” search bar to search for entries by journal title.
- Click the checkboxes to select multiple entries for exporting (more on that below).
From the Student Perspective
How to access Journals
Journals is a place where you can view all of your journal entries, regardless of which lesson or classroom you submitted it from. It can be a way to track how your thinking has changed over the course of a school year. Journals can be found from your profile.
To access Journals:
- Click on your name at the bottom of the left-hand navigation to pull up the profile menu.
- From there, click on either “View Profile” or “Account Settings” to access your profile.
- On the next screen, you will see three tabs: Overview, Journals, and Settings. Click on Journals.
From within Journals, you can view all of your journal entries, view your instructor’s feedback on those journals, and use several sorting features to stay organized.
Viewing Journal Entries and Feedback
In the main Journals screen, journal entry titles are listed in order of most recent to oldest. To view the contents of a journal entry and your instructor’s feedback, click on the eye symbol on the right side of a row, under the “Actions” column header.
An overlay will slide in from the right and take over the screen which contains the prompt from the lesson, your response to the prompt below it (along with the submission date), and a panel with more submission information on the right.
The functions of the panel on the right include:
- A way to sort by classrooms (all classrooms are listed by default)
- Pressing Shift + C will also allow you to sort by classrooms
- The journal’s title in purple
- The title of the lesson from which the journal came below the purple journal title
- The journal’s submission date
- Feedback from your instructor under the header “Instructor’s Comment:”
- Click the right arrow to move to the next entry from the list. Click the left arrow to move to the previous entry from the list.
- Journal entries are listed in order of most recent to oldest.
- Pressing the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard will also perform these actions.
To exit the overlay and return to your list of journal entries, click the x button at the top right.
Sorting Features
- Type in the “Find Journals…” search bar to search for entries by journal title.
- Click on the All Classrooms drop down menu and then select a classroom to only list the entries from a single classroom.
Exporting Journal Entries
Students and Educators can export journal entries to a PDF. This action can be done for a single journal entry or multiple entries in bulk. To export journal entries from the Journals page:
- First notice the “Export Images” toggle to the right of the Find Journals search bar. It is toggled on by default. When toggled on, any images in the journal prompts are included in the export. When toggled off, those images are not included.
- In the far right Actions column, click on the download icon to immediately download the journal entry from that row as a PDF (A tooltip that says “Export Journal” will appear when hovering over the icon).
- To download multiple entries in bulk, click on the checkboxes to the left of the journals you’d like to select, or click the checkbox at the top of that column to select all of that student’s entries for exporting.
- Then click the download icon in any of the selected purple rows to initiate the export of the selected journal entries.
- When downloading multiple entries in bulk, the files will be downloaded as a .zip file.