This article explains how to edit any custom content item that you have created. Site owners, administrators, and instructors can modify content in two different ways: while viewing a single lesson or from the course creation tool.
Modifying Custom Content While Viewing a Single Lesson
To modify custom content this way:
- Navigate to a single lesson, either from the Library or by clicking on the lesson title from a classroom’s schedule.
- In the top right, at the top of the activity list, click “Edit Lesson”.
- You will now be in the lesson editor.
- For more information on saving custom lessons from the lesson editor, refer to the “Modifying Published Content” article.
Important: When you are the author of a lesson, you will see an additional option in the top right of the lesson editor that says “Update Base Lesson” (This option will not be visible if you are editing a lesson of which you are not the original author).
- Selecting this option will save your changes to the original lesson, not to a new custom lesson. This is an important distinction because typically Custom Lessons are saved as copies of the original lesson.
Modifying Custom Content from the Course Creation Tool
To modify custom content this way:
- Click “Library” from the left-hand side navigation, then click on the tile for a course that you have created.
- From the course overview, click the “Settings” button, then from the drop down menu, click “Edit.”
- You will now be able to edit any piece of content in this course. To edit a single lesson, navigate to it from the list of lessons and click “+Plan Lesson”.
- You will now be in the lesson editor. After making the desired changes, click “Save Changes” in the upper right corner.
- For more information on creating course content, refer to the “Creating a New Course” and “Activity Types” articles.
- Finally, click “Save Course” from the course editor to save all of your changes. A checkmark will appear in the button when the save has finished.