This article explains the process for creating new Blueprint accounts, sites, and classrooms, as well as the different roles associated with different users in a site.
Creating a New Blueprint Account
This section is for users creating a new account without an invite. For help with creating an account via an invite from another user, see the “Joining From an Invite or With a Code” section below.
To create a new Blueprint Account:
- Navigate to
- In the top right, click Sign Up
- For assistance with Signing up with Google and Discord, see “Sign Up with Google and Discord” below. All other users should fill in the name, email, and password fields
- Check the desired check boxes and click Sign Up
- Both “I am 13 years of age or older” and “I agree to the Platform Privacy Policy and Terms of Service” must be checked in order to continue
- The next page will ask if you are a student or an educator, and different steps will be given to you based on your selection:
- Clicking “I am a student”:
- A prompt will appear for you to join a classroom via a code. For more information, see “Joining From an Invite or With a Code” below.
- Clicking “I am an educator” will give you two options:
- Create a new site for your school or organization. Providing a name and a description are required, but uploading a site icon is optional. Clicking Create Site will create a site and you will be the site owner. More information can be found in the “Creating Sites” section below.
- Join a site via a code. For more information, see “Joining From an Invite or With a Code” below.
- Regardless of your role as a student or educator, you will be taken to your Dashboard when signup is complete.
Sign Up with Google and Discord
Sign Up with Google
- Navigate to
- Click “Sign Up with Google”
- You will be redirected to a page where you can choose the desired Google account. Click the Google account you prefer to use
- You may be prompted to enter your password. Blueprint does not store Google passwords.
- You must click Continue on the next page to proceed
- Your Google account will be connected and you will be redirected to Blueprint. Next, you will choose your role. Follow the guide above to complete the rest of the steps
Sign Up with Discord
- Navigate to
- Click “Sign Up with Discord”
- You will be redirected to a page where you can choose the desired Google account. Click the Google account you prefer to use
- You can click “Not you?” to log in with a different Discord account.
- You may be prompted to enter your password or backup code. Blueprint does not store Discord passwords or backup codes
- You must click Authorize on the next page to proceed
- Your Discord account will be connected and you will be redirected to Blueprint. Next, you will choose your role. Follow the guide above to complete the rest of the steps
Creating Sites
Sites are represented by one school or organization, and contain all the users, classrooms, courses, and grades from the represented school or organization. Only one user can be a Site Owner, but there can be multiple Administrators.
Note: there are two ways for a user to create a site: during signup or after logging in. This section only pertains to creating a site after logging in. See “Creating A New Blueprint Account” above for help with creating a site during signup.
To create a site:
- Click on the site navigation dropdown menu at the top left of the screen. It should be displaying your site name.
- From the dropdown menu, click “Add a Site."
- In the popup, click “Create New Site.”
- The next page is the Create a Site page. Providing a name and a description are required, but uploading a site icon is optional.
- Clicking “Create Site” will create a site and you will be the site owner. It will now be in the site navigation dropdown menu.
Managing Your New Site
- After clicking “Create Site”, you will be redirected to the settings page for your new site.
- In the General Settings section, you can change the name and description, and can optionally upload a site icon by clicking “Upload” and choosing a file from your device.
- The Site Members section displays each educator (but not each student) that is a member of your site.
- Each member’s name, email address, and role are displayed in the table here.
- You click the trash icon in the Actions column to remove that user from your site.
- Site Members can also be added from here. See “Inviting Others” below for more.
- The Danger Zone section contains the Delete Site button. This action permanently deletes this site and all the data within, so use caution. A warning message appears if this button is clicked.
Creating Classrooms
Classrooms represent one section of students and each have a unique schedule and gradebook. Only accounts with the role of Site Owner, Administrator, or Instructor can create a classroom.
To create a classroom:
- Click on “Classrooms” in the Left-hand Side Navigation.
- The Browse Classrooms page lists the classrooms you have created. To create a new classroom, click the “+Create Classroom” button in the top right corner.
- You will be taken to the Create a Classroom page.
- Providing a classroom name and description are required. Uploading a thumbnail image and banner image are optional.
- To upload an image for either, click “Upload” and select a file from your device.
- The Schedule Settings section determines scheduling rules for your classroom. When courses or units are scheduled, these rules will be followed automatically.
- Under “On which days should events be automatically scheduled?” check the boxes next to the days of the week in which your class meets.*
- When courses or units are scheduled, they will automatically be scheduled on these days.
- *If your schedule is not consistent from week to week, select all five week days.
- Click the “+Holiday” button to add planned days off to your schedule. These days will automatically be skipped when courses or units are scheduled.
- You will be able to select a single date or a date range.
- Multiple holidays can be added. Click the “+Holiday” button again to add an additional holiday.
- Under “On which days should events be automatically scheduled?” check the boxes next to the days of the week in which your class meets.*
- When all initial settings are complete, click “Create Classroom.”
After “Create Classroom” is clicked, you will be redirected to the Browse Classrooms page–and your new classroom with its thumbnail image will now be in this list. For more information on using your new classroom, refer to the Classroom Settings / Management article.
Roles and Descriptions
Role Descriptions:
There are four different roles an account may have: Site Owner, Administrator, Instructor and Student. Each role has different roles and abilities.
- Site Owner - Owner of the entire Site. Has the ability to create Classrooms, add users to the Site, edit the Site, and change roles of users. Has the abilities of Administrator and Instructors.
- Administrator - Has the ability to create Classrooms, add users to the Site, edit the Site, and change roles of users. Has the abilities of Instructors.
- Instructor - Has the ability to view and operate Classrooms that they are assigned to, manage Classrooms activities, and add Students or Instructors to the Classroom.
- Student - Users of the Classroom. Can only see the Classrooms that they are enrolled in.
Inviting Others
This section is for Site Owners, Administrators, and Instructors to invite others into sites or classrooms. For help with joining a site or classroom, see the “Joining From an Invite or With a Code” section below.
To invite Administrators or Instructors to a Site:
- Click on the site navigation dropdown menu at the top left of the screen. It should be displaying your site name.
- Click on the “Settings” icon on the desired Site.
- Scroll to the “Site Members” section and click the “Add Site Members” button in the top right of the section.
- Select the desired role you wish to invite:
- Administrator
- Instructor
- The next page will present you with either an invite code to join within Blueprint, an invite link to join the Site, or you can email invite directly to the desired person.
To invite Instructors to a Classroom:
- Navigate to the desired Classroom.
- Click on Settings in the top right.
- Scroll down to the “Instructor Management” section and click “Add Instructor” in the top left of the section.
- The next page will present you with either an invite code to join within Blueprint, an invite link to join the Site, or you can email invite directly to the desired person.
To invite Students to a Classroom:
- Navigate to the desired Classroom.
- Click on the “Students” tab.
- Select the “Add Students” button in the top right.
- The next page will present you with either an invite code to join within Blueprint, an invite link to join the Site, or you can email invite directly to the desired student.
Joining From an Invite or With a Code
This section is for all users to join Sites or Classrooms from an invite or with a code. For help with inviting others to a Site or a Classroom, see the “Inviting Others” section above.
Joining From an Invite Sent to Your Email:
- Open the email sent by Blueprint and click the “Join Now” button.
- The link will take you into Blueprint to join the Site or Classroom.
- Select the “Join” button
- From here, you will be able to create your account via the “Sign Up” tab, or if you already have an account with Blueprint, you will be able to sign in via the “Login” tab.
- For help in creating an account, see the “Creating a New Blueprint Account” Section.
Joining From an Invite Link:
- Open the link sent by your Site Owner, Administrator, or Instructor and click the “Join Now” button.
- You will be sent to a confirmation window in Blueprint to join the Site or Classroom.
- Select the “Join” button
- From here, you will be able to create your account via the “Sign Up” tab, or if you already have an account with Blueprint, you will be able to sign in via the “Login” tab.
- For help in creating an account, see the “Creating a New Blueprint Account” Section.
Joining a Site With a Code:
Note: this action can only be completed by logged in users with an existing account.
- Click on the site navigation dropdown menu at the top left of the screen. It should be displaying your site name.
- Select the “Add a Site” from the dropdown.
- Select the “Join Existing Site” button.
- Input the Code given to you by a Site Owner or Administrator.
- Select the “Join” button.
- You will now be a member of that site and can switch to it via the site navigation dropdown menu.
Joining a Classroom As an Instructor or Student With a Code:
- Click this link to join the desired Classroom.
- Input the Code given to you by a Site Owner, Administrator, or Instructor.
- Select the “Join” button.
- From here, you will be able to create your account via the “Sign Up” tab, or if you already have an account with Blueprint, you will be able to sign in via the “Login” tab.
- For help in creating an account, see the “Creating a New Blueprint Account” Section.