Classroom Settings / Management

Classroom Settings / Management

Roles and Functionality

For information on Role descriptions, please refer to “Role Descriptions” in theSites and Classrooms article. 

In Classrooms, all three educator roles (Site Owners, Administrators, and Instructors) operate as the same role: Instructor. Instructors can schedule content, send announcements, grade activities, and manage the classroom overall.

Users with the Student role are only able to view announcements, see schedule content, and work through activities as directed by the Instructor.

Invite students and instructors

For information on roles, functions, and descriptions, please refer to “Inviting Others” in Sites and Classrooms

Schedule and Holidays

In Classroom Settings, Instructors have the ability to choose the days of the week on which content is able to be scheduled, allowing for a streamlined system that automates correct scheduling. To edit your classroom’s schedule:

  • Go into the classroom settings, located in the top right of the classroom. 
  • Scroll down to the Schedule Settings section and select the desired days of the week that the Classroom meets.
  • Click Save in the top right to apply it to the classroom.

You can also choose to delay the visibility of scheduled content by selecting the option next to “Hide lessons until a certain number of days before they’re scheduled.” When this feature is toggled on, students will be able to see lessons ahead of time, but when opening said lessons, will only be able to see the lessons' overviews.

classroom schedule hide until date.JPG

If an Instructor wishes to include holidays so that content cannot be assigned to specified dates, they can: 

  • Go into the classroom settings, located in the top right of the classroom. 
  • Scroll down to the Schedule Settings section and click on the “+Holiday” button.
  • Input any school holidays to prevent content scheduling. You can optionally name these holidays as well.
  • Click Save in the top right to apply it to the classroom.


Site Owners, Administrators and Instructors can send out announcements to individual classrooms to inform Students about any important information. To send out an announcement to a classroom:

  • Select the desired classroom to send the announcement to.
  • Click on the “Announcements” tab.
  • Type the announcement in the Rich Text Editor.
  • Once information has been filled in, click on “Create Announcement” to send the announcement to Students of the Classroom.
  • The announcement will also give students in your classroom a notification in the left-hand navigator.

Any User with access to the announcement will be able to view and like any and all announcements in the Announcements tab.

Removing users

Site Owners, Administrators and Instructors have the ability to remove students from classrooms. To remove students from classrooms:

  • Select the desired Classroom to remove student(s).
  • Click on the “Students” tab.
  • Find the correct Students and click on the red trash can button to delete the Student from the classroom.

  • You will then be presented with a window to confirm removing a Student from the Classroom.
  • Click the “Delete” button to finalize removing the Student from the Classroom.
  • You can use the checkboxes to the left of students’ names to remove them in bulk.


Site Owners, Administrators, and Instructors can delete or archive classrooms within their sites. Deleting a classroom completely removes everything; deleting all the data from that classroom. Archiving makes the data recoverable for a classroom, but removes the visibility of the classroom for the Students. To delete or archive a classroom:

  • Select the desired classroom to delete/archive.
  • Click on the “Settings” button in the top right corner.
  • Scroll down to the “🔥 Danger Zone 🔥”.
  • Select either the “Archive Classroom” or “Delete Classroom” button for the desired effect.

Once a classroom has been archived, the "Archive Classroom" button will change to say "Unarchive Classroom". Unarchiving a classroom will restore students' ability to view it.

Archived classrooms can be viewed later (by Instructors and Site Administrators) within the Classrooms page by selecting the "ARCHIVED" tab.