This article explains how to add and remove users, instructors, and administrators to a site; as well as how to create a new classroom. Classroom-specific settings can be found in this article.
Invite instructors and other administrators
For information on student invitations, please refer to “Inviting Others” in our Sites and Classrooms article. Site Owners and Administrators are the only roles that are able to invite others to be Administrators or Instructors to a site. To invite instructors and other administrators:
- Select the site navigation dropdown menu and select the settings cog to the right of your site name.
- Navigate to the “Site Members” section to select the “+ Add Site Members.”
- Select the desired “Administrator” or “Instructor” role.
- There will then be a pop-up page with options to invite the new member to the site. This will be to send an invite code to join within Blueprint, an invite link to join the Site, or you can email an invite directly to the desired person.
Removing users
Site Owners and Administrators are the only roles that are able to remove users from the site. To remove a user:
- Select the site navigation dropdown menu and select the settings cog to the right of your site name.
- Navigate to the “Site Members” section to use the search bar to find the desired member(s) to remove.
- Select the trash can to the right of the member’s name to remove the member from the site.
- You will receive a confirmation pop-up asking you to confirm.
Creating classrooms
For Information on creating a classroom, please refer to “Creating Classrooms” in “Getting Started.” Classrooms can be created by Site Owners, Administrators, as well as Instructors.
To create a classroom:
- Click on “Classroom” in the Left-hand Side Navigation.
- The Browse Classrooms page lists the classrooms you have created. To create a new classroom, click the “+Create Classroom” button in the top right corner.
- You will be taken to the Create a Classroom page.
- Providing a classroom name and description are required. Uploading a thumbnail image and banner image are optional.
- To upload an image for either, click “Upload” and select a file from your device.
- The Schedule Settings section determines scheduling rules for your classroom. When courses or units are scheduled, these rules will be followed automatically.
- Under “On which days should events be automatically scheduled?” check the boxes next to the days of the week in which your class meets.*
- When courses or units are scheduled, they will automatically be scheduled on these days.
- *If your schedule is not consistent from week to week, select all five week days.
- Click the “+Holiday” button to add planned days off to your schedule. These days will automatically be skipped when courses or units are scheduled.
- A start date and end date for each holiday must be selected.
- Multiple holidays can be added. Click the “+Holiday” button again to add an additional holiday.
- Under “On which days should events be automatically scheduled?” check the boxes next to the days of the week in which your class meets.*
- When all initial settings are complete, click “Create Classroom.”
After “Create Classroom” is clicked, you will be redirected to the Browse Classrooms page–and your new classroom with its thumbnail image will now be in this list. For more information on using your new classroom, refer to the Classroom Settings / Management article.