Tips and Tricks for Using the Rich Text Editor

This article explains a number of tips and tricks for using the Rich Text editor.

Tips and Tricks for Using the Rich Text Editor

Video Embed

  • In Rich Text, Instructors can embed videos into the text to include any relevant information. 
    • Select the Video Icon to add a video.
    • Select Embed and paste the video code into the Url field.
    • Adjust the width and height of your video, if needed.
    • Click Save.


  • In Rich Text, Instructors can add Tables/Charts to include any information that would require it.
  • Instructors can access “Table Properties” in the Table Menu at the top of the Rich Text Editor or at the bottom of the table itself.


    • In Table Properties, Instructors can edit width, height, cell spacing, cell padding, border width, include captions and/or adjust the alignment.
    • In the “Advanced” tab of Table Properties, Instructors can adjust border style, border color, and background colors.
  • Instructors can access “Cell Properties” in the Table Menu at the top of the Rich Text Editor.
    • In Cell Properties, Instructors can edit width, height, cell type, scope and/or adjust the horizontal and vertical alignment.
    • In the “Advanced” tab of Cell Properties, Instructors can adjust border width, border style, border color, and background colors.
  • Instructors can access “Row Properties” in the Table Menu at the top of the Rich Text Editor.
    • In Row Properties, Instructors can edit row type, alignment, and height.
    • In the “Advanced” tab of Row Properties, Instructors can adjust border style, border color, and background colors.

Drag and Drop images

  • In Rich Text, Instructors can drag and drop images and gifs directly into the text field. 
    • Move the pointer to the desired image.
    • Press and hold down the mouse button to "grab" the image.
    • Move the pointer to the desired location of the text field to "drag" the image.
    • Release the button to "drop" the image.

Resizing images/videos

  • Once an image has been placed in the Rich Text, to adjust the size by clicking on the edges or corners and moving with your mouse.
  • To edit or replace the image with a different one at the source of the image, select the “Insert/Edit Image” button at the top of the Rich Text editor.


    • By default, the height and width ratio is locked to maintain the original aspect of the image.
    • By clicking on the lock in the menu, Instructors can unlock the aspect ratio and set it to a custom ratio desired by the User.

Preview button

  • In Rich Text, Instructors can select the Preview Icon 👁 to have a preview look at the content before saving all changes to ensure all texts, images, tables, and charts have the desired look.