Creating a New Course

This article is for Site Owners, Administrators, and Instructors to create a new custom course to add to the course library.

Creating A New Course 

To create a new course from the library: 

  • Navigate to the library on the left-hand navigation sidebar. 
  • Click “Create a new course” in the upper right-hand side of the page

  • Enter a title and description for the course
  • Insert a banner image “PNG, JPG, or GIF” 


Within the content tab, please fill out the following fields:

  • Course Outline
  • Enter your unit one title 
  • Provide a lesson title 
  • Click “edit details” within the unit to add an image and description.
  • Provide a lesson description 
  • Insert an image for the lesson
  • Click Save

Warning: If any of the above steps are not completed before you click Save, you will receive red error messages under the fields that are not completed. Until the above steps are completed, your work will not be saved!



Within the settings tab you have the option of updating the following:

  • Banner Image
  • Course Title
  • Course Description
  • General Settings
    • Private: Only you and your scheduled classrooms can view this course
    • Public to Selected Site: All members in the selected site can view this course
    • Public to All My Sites: All members of any site where the course’s authors are instructors or admins can view this course
  • Delete Course (WARNING - course is not recoverable once deleted)
  • Clone Course


Within the Authors tab, you have the option of inviting additional authors for your course! These are the three options when inviting a new author:

  • Type-in Code
    • Have the author you are wanting to join visit and provide them the code that is displayed for you. They would enter this code on this page. 
  • Invite Link
    • Copy the Blueprint invite link, and provide that to the additional author.
  • Email Invite
    • Input the email of the author you are wanting to add, and hit send. 

Saving Content 

While creating your course and course activities, you must click “Save Changes” located either at the bottom of the screen when designing the course outline or at the top right-hand side of the screen when designing course activities. If you fail to click “Save Changes”, your data may be lost or unsaved.