Modifying Published Content

This article explains how to created edited copies of published course content.

Edit Lesson

To modify published content:

  • Navigate to a single lesson, either from the Library or by clicking on the lesson title from a classroom’s schedule.
  • In the top right, at the top of the activity list, click “Edit Lesson”.
  • You will now be in the lesson editor. You will have many options from here, which are described below.


Understanding Custom Lessons

After clicking “Edit Lesson” and accessing the lesson editor, it is important to know that you will now be editing a Custom Lesson. Any edits that are saved to this lesson will be saved as a copy of that lesson and will not affect the original. At the top of the plan lesson panel on the right, under the “Save Custom Lesson” button, you will see a message clarifying that “Custom Lessons will not receive updates from the course authors.” This Custom Lesson is now controlled by you and cannot be edited by its original author.


After saving, what if I want to edit this lesson further?

  • Important: When editing a custom lesson, you will see an additional option in the top right of the lesson editor that says “Update Base Lesson” (This option will not be visible if you are editing a lesson of which you are not the original author for the first time). 
    • Selecting this option will save your changes to this custom lesson instead of creating a copy. This is an important distinction because typically Custom Lessons are saved as copies of the original lesson.

Where will I access this new copy of the lesson?

Upon editing and saving, the lesson will be listed immediately after the original lesson in its unit. For example, if you edit “1.1.2 Classroom Expectations” from Level 1 of Gaming Concepts: Rising Champions, this Custom Lesson will be added just after the original in the list of lessons in Level 1 in the Library. 


Saving to Your Site(s)

Clicking the gray “Select Sites To Save” button in the upper right corner will create a dropdown menu in which you can select or deselect the sites in which you want to save this new copy of the Custom Lesson. If you are only a member of one site, it will be the only site in this list.

Make any desired edits to the lesson, including its title, the overview, or any activity. For more info on creating and editing course content, please refer to the “Creating a New Course” article.

Once you have made the desired edits and have selected the sites to save, click the purple “Save Custom Lesson” button. You will be presented with one more popup window; more on that below.


Swapping With Scheduled Content

Blueprint gives you the ability to swap an edited Custom Lesson with its original in any class in which it is already scheduled. That way, you can control whether your students immediately see your edited version or continue seeing the original. 

To swap a Custom Lesson with scheduled content:

  • Click “Save Custom Lesson” at the top right corner of the lesson editor. 
  • In the new popup window, any classrooms in which the original lesson was scheduled will be listed. If you would like to swap the new Custom Lesson in place of the original in your schedule, check the box next to that classroom’s name.
    • If you would not like to swap it into any of your schedules, do not check any of the boxes.
  • You must click “Confirm” in this box even if you are not swapping any lessons to save your custom lesson.