This article explains the definitions of the key terms used throughout Blueprint and the Knowledge Base.
Sites are represented by one school or organization, and contain all the users, classrooms, courses, and grades from the represented school or organization. Only one user can be a Site Owner, but there can be multiple Administrators.
Classrooms represent one section of students and each have a unique schedule and gradebook. Only accounts with the role of Site Owner, Administrator, or Instructor can create a classroom.
Has the ability to view and operate Classrooms that they are assigned to, manage Classrooms activities, and add Students or Instructors to the Classroom.
Users of the Classroom. Can only see the Classrooms that they are enrolled in.
The dashboard in Blueprint serves as a centralized hub where instructors and students can access a snapshot of key information and navigate various features of the platform.
Has the ability to create Classrooms, add users to the Site, edit the Site, and change roles of users. Has the abilities of Instructors
Site Owner
Owner of the entire Site. Has the ability to create Classrooms, add users to the Site, edit the Site, and change roles of users. Has the abilities of Administrator and Instructors.
The term "educator" is used to encompass all of the following roles: Site Owner, Administrator, and Instructor, and will only be used in this knowledge base when users with those roles will have identical experiences.
- Course (lives under the library)
- Unit (lives under a course)
- Lesson (lives under a unit)
- Activity (lives inside a lesson, not an assignment)
- Left-hand Side Navigation
- The left-hand side navigation layout offers a consistent and intuitive way for instructors and students to quickly locate and manage their educational materials and activities within Blueprint. At the top of the left-hand side navigation, the Blueprint logo functions as a quick way to return to an instructor's or student's dashboard
- Right-hand Sidebar
- Grade Panel
- Activity List (inside course content)
- Plan Lesson Panel
- “Page” vs “Tab”
- A page has its own URL. A tab is an element that dynamically changes on a page. For example, on a classroom PAGE, I can change to the Announcements TAB.