Navigating a Site

This article explains how to navigate to the settings, classrooms, and sub-sites within a site.

Site Navigator

The Site Navigator is the dropdown menu at the top of the left-hand navigation bar. This allows Site Owners, Administrators and Instructors that are in multiple Sites the ability to navigate between them. To access a Site, simply click on the desired site and you will be able to see the contents available to you.

Site Settings

To access the Site’s Settings:

  • Click on the Site Navigator.
  • Choose the desired Site and click on the “Settings” icon.

In the Site Settings, Site Owners and Administrators can change the Site’s name, description and the Site’s icon. Site Owners and Administrators can also invite members into their desired Site(s) with the necessary roles, or remove and adjust Administrators and/or Instructors roles in this window as well. The Site settings is also where Site Owners can delete a Site if it is no longer in use or for any other reason that may occur.

BE WARNED: If you delete the Site, you cannot retrieve the Site and all users within it will not be able to see it on their Blueprint account.


Site’s Classrooms

Sites can house multiple Classrooms within itself, with Site Owners and Administrators having access to all of them. Instructors will only have access to the Classrooms that they have the role of Instructor in.

For help with creating a Classroom, please refer to the “Creating Classrooms” section to learn more.



Any User has the ability to create a Site. See “Sites and Classrooms” in “Getting Started”. WARNING: Any newly created Sites do not have access to the Library Materials.