Left-hand Side Navigation

This article explains the uses of the left-hand side navigation in Blueprint.

Left-hand Side Navigation

The left-hand side navigation layout offers a consistent and intuitive way for instructors and students to quickly locate and manage their educational materials and activities within Blueprint. At the top of the left-hand side navigation, the Blueprint logo functions as a quick way to return to an instructor's or student's dashboard.



Instructors and students can utilize the quick search option located at the top of the left-hand navigation layout. This efficient search mechanism enhances the experience for both instructors and students by facilitating quick access to specific learning materials, discussions, or courses within the Blueprint platform. 

The left-hand side navigation is collapsible and can alter the layout of your screen. Instructors and students can utilize the arrow located at the top right-hand side of the navigation bar to toggle the overlay by simply clicking. 


Site Navigator

The Site Navigator is the dropdown menu at the top of the left-hand navigation bar. This allows Instructors and Site Administrators that are in multiple Sites the ability to navigate between them. You can read more about the Site Navigator here.


The dashboard in Blueprint serves as a centralized hub where instructors and students can access a snapshot of key information and navigate various features of the platform. It provides quick access to essential elements such as course calendars, upcoming assignments, and active courses. You can read more about Understanding the Dashboard section of our knowledge base.


The classroom in Blueprint functions as a central hub and direct gateway for instructors and students to access their individual virtual learning environments. From this page, Instructors and site Administrators have the ability to create new classrooms, invite students to join, and create announcements. You can read more about Navigating a Classroom section of our knowledge base.


The library in Blueprint functions as the designated hub for the Gaming Concepts curriculum, along with any customized lesson plans created by instructors and site administrators. Additionally, students can utilize the library to access previews of upcoming lesson plans and instructional videos. You can read more about Using the Library section of our knowledge base.


The Grades in Blueprint provides instructors and students with direct access to grade management tools and features. All members of the classroom can access this tab. Students can only see their own gradebook, submissions, and grades, while Instructors and Site Administrators can see all students’ submissions and grades at a glance. You can read more about using the gradebook in the Grading and Gradebook section of our knowledge base.


The account information feature, located at the bottom left-hand side navigation in Blueprint, caters to all users, offering convenient access to essential account management functions. By clicking on the three-dot function located to the right of the account holder's name, users can access options to view their profile, adjust account settings, and log out. 

Within the account settings, users can add a profile picture to personalize their accounts, adjust their displayed name and bio to reflect their preferences or professional affiliations, and change their password for security purposes.


Hotkeys provide a convenient way to navigate and interact with Blueprint efficiently. Users can easily access hotkeys by clicking the "Hotkeys" button located at the bottom of the left-hand navigation. Upon clicking, a pop-up window appears, displaying a list of keys and their functions.

Light and Dark Mode

Blueprint provides users with the flexibility to choose between light and dark modes, catering to individual preferences for visual aesthetics and comfort. By default, the platform is set to dark mode, but users can easily switch to light mode by clicking the "dark" or "light" button located at the bottom of the left-hand side navigation. Clicking on the respective button toggles between the desired screen modes, allowing users to customize their viewing experience.