Navigating a Classroom

This article explains how to navigate to the various pages and features within a classroom. 

Browse Classrooms 

Click “Classroom” in the left-hand side navigation. From here, select the classroom you wish to view. Instructors and Site Administrators can also create new classrooms from this page.


This will be the most common space for students to visit, as it houses current and upcoming lessons and activities. Use the “Week” and “Month” buttons to change the calendar view. 

Instructors and Site Administrators can see and do a few more things on this page. First, they can edit the classroom settings by clicking “Settings” in the upper right portion of the page. For more information on classroom settings, see Classroom Settings. They can also edit the upcoming schedule by clicking “Edit Schedule”. You can read more about editing the schedule here


All members of the classroom can see posted announcements on this tab. Students can only view and “like” announcements, while Instructors and Site Administrators can create new announcements using the rich text editor. Clicking the “Create Announcement” button will post the announcement for the students to see and immediately send a notification to everyone in the course. These notifications can be viewed at the bottom of the left-hand side navigation.


Only Instructors and Site Administrators can see this tab. Within this tab, students can be added or removed from the classroom. Instructors and Site Administrators can also see when students last logged in and their recent missed assignments.


All members of the classroom can access this tab. Students can only see their own gradebook and grades, while Instructors and Site Administrators can see all students’ submissions and grades at a glance. Grades and assignment properties (such as “Excused” or “late”) can be adjusted by clicking a grade value. The full-featured gradebook can be accessed by clicking “Go to Gradebook”, and you can read more about using the gradebook in the Grading and Gradebook section of our knowledge base.